This program aims to develop all aspects of early music fundamentals for this most receptive age group. An unpressured atmosphere, but effective structured programme taught by fully qualified music specialists.
What will my child learn?
Each lesson involves:
- A Weekly Theme
- Singing to encourage pitch
- Percussion Playing to known rhythms on the board for early graphic recognition
- Action and Movement to develop response and gross and fine motor co-ordination
- Music Games and Activities to have loads of fun and encourage social activity
- Weekly Worksheet to reinforce early musical concepts learnt and assist fine motor development
Learning to work in a group and an ideal environment for developing social skills and new friendships.
An ideal way to give your child the opportunity of enjoying and discovering the world of music.
Children attend one lesson per week for 45 minutes with a parent or carer. Siblings may also attend. Lots of musical fun in an un-pressured classroom environment.

All teachers are preschool and musically qualified. Our Teachers are caring and understand that three year olds are learning and processing lots of new information. Beeboppers is a nurturing and supportive environment
After the Beebopper program and at the age of four, the children can proceed to the Pianorama Junior Course, where they continue in the same group system, but also learn the piano as part of the lesson structure.